Blogger Recognition Award


Wow, Thank you so much to Claire  at who has been nominated for the Blogger Recognition Award and in turn nominated me. A huge thanks to you it’s a real honour. This is the first time my blog has been recognised and I’m feeling quite chuffed and honoured 🙂

Rules of the Award

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.

2. Write a post to show your award.

3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.

4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.

5. Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.

6. Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.

How my Blog Started

My blog started in May 2013, I’d been reviewing books I’d read on amazon and goodreads for a while and after reading so many great blogs I decided to set up my own blog sharing my love of reading, crafting, food etc.  Reading is my escapism and it has helped emotionally and mentally especially during the recovering of an illness.  I wanted my blog to focus on the things I enjoyed and to be bright and positive.

Advice for New Bloggers

  1. Always share what you love so you can speak from the heart.
  2. Get yourself a good diary, Filofax or planner and write down dates of book releases/launches etc.  You can then see at a glance if you have the time to review any new material sent your way.

My Nominations

  1. Kim at
  2. Sarah at
  3. Sue at
  4. Kate at
  5. Cathy at
  6. Claire at
  7. Hayley at
  8. Linda at
  9. Annie at
  10. Emma at
  11. Joanne at
  12. Kerry at
  13. Mairead at
  14. Shaz at
  15. Shelley at

Thank you so much, I love being part of the book blogging world, its support for the love of words and all who write them is insurmountable.



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