The Girl in the Painting (The NightHawk series book 4) by Rachael Richey book review blogtour

the girl in the painting

The Girl in the Painting (The NightHawk series book 4) written by Rachael Richey, publisher The Wild Rose Press Inc is available in ebook and paperback format from 29th July 2016.

To pre-order/buy link:

Product Details (as per amazon page)

While her husband Gideon is recording a new album with his band NightHawk, Abi Hawk is busy getting her own career as a portrait painter back on track.

Following the death of her father, which coincides with the opening night of her first exhibition in London, Abi and her daughter come across an old painting in his attic that sets them on a journey of discovery to Paris. They uncover an astonishing and unexpected love story, one that has repercussions to the present day.

Meanwhile Gideon, in America to promote the new album, ignores Abi’s warnings and manages to put himself in a vulnerable situation that threatens to rock the stability of their marriage. Separated from Abi by nearly five thousand miles, and unable to speak to her, will he be able to resolve the situation before any real damage is done?

artists palette

I am so thrilled to be involved in the blogtour promoting and celebrating the release of book 4 in The NightHawk series.  To fully engage and appreciate the series I highly recommend reading the books in chronological order as follows:

  1. Storm Rising
  2. Rhythm of Deceit
  3. Cobwebs in the Dark
  4. The Girl in the Painting

You can find my reviews here for all previous books 1, 2, and 3.

Since starting this book series I have been gripped by Abi and Gideon’s story.  It’s difficult to say which book I have enjoyed the most as I have loved them all but I must say this fourth book totally captivated me.

I do feel that The Girl in the Painting isn’t quite as gripping as the other three novels as the drama wasn’t intense but what this story has is a wonderful love story dating back to the late 1930’s.  I was captivated by the heady first love, the era, the beautiful setting in Paris … it was all just perfect for me.  I couldn’t take my eyes away from the pages.  I loved being transported back in time and overseas to Paris within the pages.  This was a tale of two stories: the here and now discovering a secret past that will change the outlook for all.  The love that was expressed so long ago was an illicit love; a love that was so wrong but was so right … the strength of this love carried through keeping the hearts together for many, many years.  This was a beautiful story that was equally heart wrenching and uplifting at the same time.  5/5*

To find out more about Rachael Richey and her books please visit the following links:


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